So Many Insane Plays Episode 125: 2024 Year in Review

Steve and Kevin review the year that was 2024, for Vintage, and award their annual Moxies.

So Many Insane Plays Episode 124: August 2024 Banned and Restricted List Update

Kevin Cron and Steven Menendian discuss the August 26th, 2024 Banned and Restricted List update.

So Many Insane Plays Episode 123: Modern Horizons 3, for Vintage

Steve and Kevin review Modern Horizons 3, for Vintage.

Madison Offensive 2024 Old School 93-94 Coverage

What began years ago as an annual trek to Madison to loop in more of the Wisconsin folks to play Old School grew into something much larger and more refined. After a few years the Madison Offensive had become a spring rite and gathered people from across the nation. In 2020 we pulled it back […]

So Many Insane Plays Episode 122: 2023 Year in Review, and the Unrestriction of Ponder

Steve and Kevin vote on their Moxies for 2023, and discuss the recent unrestriction of Ponder.

Middle School Marauders 09-2023 Coverage and Results

This past week the Lords of the Pit hosted another Middle School event in Chicago, in a recurring series of events called Middle School Marauders (#MiddleSchoolMarauders on social media). Future events in this series will usually be open to the public every couple of months, and found on our Events page here.

Cream City Con 2023 Coverage and Results

The Lords of the Pit recently held another local Old School event, this time in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, organized by Lord Grant Castleton, who has been helping build the local Brew City Old School scene in Wisconsin. Some of the Lords and friends from greater Chicago and throughout Wisconsin gathered upon Steny’s Tavern and Grill on […]

So Many Insane Plays Episode 121: Spring Metagame Update

Steve and Kevin review the 2023 year-to-date metagame results.

Banned and Restricted List Changes to Middle School (05-2023 Update)

The following changes outlined below are being made to Eternal Central’s recommended Banned and Restricted Lists for the Middle School format. All changes are going in to effect immediately as of this announcement (Monday, May 1, 2023), for all Eternal Central events moving forward.

Middle School Marauders 03-2023 Coverage and Results

This past week the Lords of the Pit hosted another Middle School event in Chicago, in a recurring series of events called Middle School Marauders (#MiddleSchoolMarauders on social media). Future events in this series will usually be open to the public every couple of months, and found on our Events page here.

Relic War IV Old School 93-94 Coverage and Results

After a few year hiatus due to COVID-related issues, the Lords of the Pit recently hosted their fourth annual Relic War, which is a private tournament for charity held in Chicago that utilizes the Swedish Old School Banned and Restricted List and rules (no Mana Burn, for example), but with a more liberalized reprint policy, […]

So Many Insane Plays Episode 120: 2022 Year in Review

Kevin Cron and Steve Menendian review 2022, for Vintage. In this episode: our 2022 Year in Review, and our annual Moxie Awards for Best New Set, Best New Deck, Best New Card, and Best Story of the Year.