The final game of this amazing match between Guillem Ragull, playing Repeal Tendrils, and César…
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[Video]: MTG Barato (Vintage) – Guillem Ragull VS César Fernández Top8 G2
Second game of this interesting match between Guillem Ragull and César Fernández. We saw Guillem…
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[Videos]: LCL – July (81 players) + Decklists
Last weekend took place the July tournament of the LCL (Catalan Legacy League) in Vila-Seca…
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[Video]: MTG Barato (Vintage) – Guillem Ragull VS César Fernández Top8 G1
During the weekend and the following week we’ll be publishing the videos that were recorded…
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Pimp my Vault/Key Vintage Combo!
It’s taken quite a while but I finally managed to complete my fantastic trio with…
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[Video]: MTG Barato (Legacy) – Antonio Romero VS Hugo López Top4 G2
Second game from the MTG BARATO Legacy semifinals between Hugo López (ProBant) and Antonio Romero…
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[Video]: MTG Barato (Legacy) – Antonio Romero VS Hugo López Top4 G1
First game from the MTG BARATO Legacy semifinals between Hugo López (ProBant) and Antonio Romero…
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From the Vault: Relics SPOILED!
The guys at MTG Salvation found some info at a chinese MtG forum regarding the…
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[Video]: MTG Barato (Legacy) – Guillem Ragull VS Hugo López Top8 G2
Game 2 of the match between Guillem Ragull (on the left playing RG Goblins) and…
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Pimp my deck(s)! By Albareda
Our friend Arnau Rovira, aka Albareda, just posted at our “Pimp it like you mean…
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[Video]: MTG Barato (Legacy) – Guillem Ragull VS Hugo López Top8 G1
The first of many videos that were recorded during the MTG BARATO tournament in Valencia.…
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The EUROVINO 5 (Milan – 10/11/12 September)
Stinfo just sent us the information to yet another AWESOME tournament, the EUROVINO 5. Year…
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[Video]: MTG Barato (Vintage) Jacerator VS Oath G3
If you’ve seen games 1 and 2, then you’re probably thinking… “How can Stinfo always…
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Focus on Legacy – Constructing UBG Landstill
Are you one of the types of people who likes to see your opponent squirm…
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[Video]: MTG Barato (Vintage) Jacerator VS Oath G2
Game 2 of the match between Stinfo and myself (piZZero) from the past MTG BARATO…
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Real or Fake?
I found this picture in some forum, and I wanted to share it with you…
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[Video]: MTG Barato (Vintage) Jacerator VS Oath G1
The following game is between Stinfo (Ovinogeddon organizer) and myself (piZZero). Stinfo plays Oath and…
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[Video]: MTG Barato (Vintage) Goblins VS MUD
Video recorded during the swiss rounds of the MTG BARATO Vintage Tournament. In this video…
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[Video]: MTG Barato (Legacy) CAB Jace VS GW Beats
This is one of the videos I randomly recorded at the Legacy MTG BARATO tournament…
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Eternal Central Staff Presentations
We’ve been quite for few days but that doesn’t mean we haven’t been working! As…
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MTG BARATO Vintage Top8 decklists
The top8 deck lists from the 1st MTG BARATO Vintage Open with 43 players for…
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MTG BARATO Legacy Top8 decklists & pictures
The top8 deck lists from the 1st MTG BARATO Legacy Open with 138 players for…
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MTG BARATO Vintage News and Results!
The second day of the 1st MTG BARATO Open is officially finished. Despite the awesome…
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MTG BARATO Legacy News and Results!
First day of the 1st MTG Barato Open is officially finished. Hugo López and Antonio…
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