NYSE4 Vintage Open – ALL Decklists and Metagame Breakdown

NYSE 4 was played a little while ago, and was another example of great tournament organizing, coupled with lots of community support. A (NYSE) record 157 players attended, with entrance fees of $100 pre-reg or $125 same day, and players traveled from all over the country. Nick Detwiler (aka Prospero) continues to do yeoman’s work promoting and supporting Vintage, even as the format’s recent changes have made him and others wary.

You can find our live coverage from the event here live coverage, including round by round pairings, standings, and the live streaming video embed

We’ve posted the Top 16 decklists in the first section below, then broken down all decks for a metagame breakdown in the next section, and then posted the full decklists from ALL other competitors in the final section (alphabetically, by last name, first name). It is now in table form, so you can sort by last name, or by deck type. To find a specific deck by player name or deck type, press CRTL+F to bring up the Find function in your browser, and then type in your search string. Rather than including a massive wall of text on this page, each decklist/name is a URL/link to an individual Google document containing the decklist, for further manipulation.

A special mention and huge thank you must be given to Matt Murray (aka chubbyrain), who put in extremely long hours typing up and organizing all of these decklists after the event. When you see him in person next time please thank him for performing this Herculean task, buy him a beverage, and maybe even serenade him by singing “chubby rain” to the tune of the classic Prince hit “Purple Rain.”

Top 16 Decklists, by Final Standing

  1. Andy Markiton – Ravager TKS Shops
  2. Tom Metelsky – Grixis Pyromancer
  3. Ryan Glackin – Amalgam Dredge
  4. Hank Zhong – Esper Mentor
  5. Andy Probasco – White Eldrazi
  6. Roland Chang – Ravager TKS Shops
  7. Vito Picozzo – Jeskai Mentor
  8. Brian Kelly – Esper Mentor
  9. Brian Schlossberg – Ravager TKS Shops
  10. Jason Jaco – Eldrazi Tribal
  11. Jordan Kasten – Transform Dredge
  12. AJ Grasso – Gush Mentor Bomberman
  13. Nicholas Cummings – Belcher
  14. Lee Hillman – White Eldrazi
  15. Matt Murray – Sylvan Mentor
  16. Nick DiJohn – Smasher TKS Shops

Top 8 Playoff Bracket

1 Andy Probasco (White Eldrazi) vs. 8 Hang Zhong (UWR Mentor) – Zhong wins
2 Roland Chang (Workshop Ravager Aggro) vs. 7 Ryan Glackin (Amalgam Dredge) – Glackin wins
3 Tom Metelsky (Grixis Pyromancer) vs. 6 Brian Kelly (Esper Mentor) – Metelsky wins
4 Andrew Markiton (Workshop Ravager Aggro) vs. 5 Vito Picozzo (UWR Mentor) – Markiton wins

3 Tom Metelsky (Grixis Pyromancer) vs. 7 Ryan Glackin (Amalgam Dredge) – Metelsky wins
4 Andrew Markiton (Workshop Ravager Aggro) vs. 8 Hang Zhong (UWR Mentor) – Markiton wins

3 Tom Metelsky (Grixis Pyromancer) vs. 4 Andrew Markiton (Workshop Ravager Aggro) – Markiton (aka Montolio) wins!

Metagame Report

Matt Murray (aka chubbyrain) and Ryan Eberhart (aka Diophan) have created an awesome complete metagame breakdown, including archetypes, and match performance by archetype. This is now live on TheManaDrain here, and here is the full spreadsheet in Google Docs so you can further manipulate the information as you see fit.

ALL Decklists, Alphabetically by Last Name

Last Name, First NameDeck Name
Ata, DavidScab-Clan Mentor
Anthony, ShawnThe Tropical Storm
Attmore, BrettGrixis Control
Balakrishnan, VasuJeskai Wasteland Mentor
Beaver, JeremyBant Managorger Mentor
Beckert, JustinBUG Fish
Berry, CraigNahiri Control
Bradley, ScottMinus Five
Brennan, JoeJeskai JVP Mentor
Brophy, SullivanDungeons and Dragons
Brotzman, MichaelCombo Gush
Burke, BenjaminWhite Eldrazi
Butler, JoshRitual Doomsday
Came, SeanDread Return Dredge
Canzanella, MichaelUB Tezzerator
Capobianco, AlexWhite Eldrazi
Chang, RolandRavager TKS
Compton, TravisDungeons and Dragons
Conway, ScottOdd Oath
Cummings, NicholasMono-Blue Belcher
Daliapes, TomBurning Omni Oath
Danis, ChrisErayo Shops
Davidoff, NateMalestrom Dredge
Dayton, WillRavager TKS
Deering, MatthewAffinity
Demers, Hugo5c Humans
Difebo, DomBant Managorger Mentor
DiJohn, NickSuper Smash Bros
Diliberto, MattUR Delver
Dobbin, ZachJeskai Big Mana Mentor
Dumoulin, VincentFlamecaller Moon
Eckert, MikeRector Omniscience
Espinoza, DanielEsper JVP Mentor
Fain, JeremyGrixis Delver
Farias, AndrewSalvagers Oath
Feingersh, BenWhite Eldrazi
Fenstermaker, BradleyJeskai JVP Mentor
Fenton, GregBUG Oath Still
Ferrante, AndrewFKZ Dredge
Ferrante, ChrisEsper Control
Fisher, JohnMoat Still
Fisher, RyanFlamecaller Moon
Fitzgerald, MauraWhite Hatebears
Forino, RaffaeleMUD Arrabbiata
Forino, VincentMUD Arrabbiata
French, ShawnBUG Managorger Gushbond
Friedman, DannyGrixis Thieves
Geras, JonAffinity
Gerlitz, ChristianWhite Eldrazi
Gibson, TravisWhite Eldrazi
Glackin, RyanAmalgam Dredge
Gould, DanMono-Blue Belcher
Graff, JosephJeskai JVP Mentor
Grasso, AjJeskai Bombermonk
Grudzina, JohnJeskai JVP Mentor
Gutkin, BradleyBlue Moon w/Beserker
Hangley, JimmyDPS
Hanson, ChrisUW Mentor
Harris, MichaelJeskai Mentor
Harris, VisnaSome Visna Brew
Harvey, StephenUW Bladestill
Hayden, TrevorWhite Eldrazi
Herbig, MichaelGrixis DPS with Tinker
Hillman, LeeWhite Eldrazi
Hoffman, MasonSylvanless Sylvan Mentor
Hoffman, NathanielDoomsday
Hornung, MarkAnti-Hate
Husney, EvanDPS
Jaco, JasonEldrazi Tribal
Kaplan, DavidJeskai Delver
Kasten, JordanDr. Edges Lab
Kelly, BrianMinus Five
Kibner, AlexJeskai Mentor
Kitchen, JackAcademy Combo
Koeppicus, GarrettWhite Eldrazi
Kohler, JpWhite Eldrazi
Kohler, JustinJeskai Mentor
Koprowski, JohnGrixis Painter
Kwok, CosmoUR Splinter Twin
Lalo, JoshUW Mentor
Laplante, TravisGoblin Metalworker
Lax, AriWhite Eldrazi
Leone, JonathanJeskai Bomberman
Levy, SethDPS
Liberati, BernieThing on the Moon
Lim, JoelRavager TKS
Long, MichaelJeskai Delver
Loysen, LucasSylvan Mentor
Magrann, WillNahiri Control
Mangus, PetePyro Blade
Markiton, AndrewRavager TKS
Martin, JesseDPS
Mason, ChrisSSG Belcher
Mastriano, PaulWhite Eldrazi
Mcgrew, StevenScab Delver
Mcmanis, EllenRavager TKS
Meckes, JoshMUD Arrabbiata
Menendian, StephenDPS
Metelsky, TomGrixis Pyromancer
Miller, DanielJeskai Big Mana Mentor
Monday, JasonJeskai Mentor
Moran, TimothyJeskai Mentor
Moss, MattGriselbrand Oath
Murray, MattSylvan Mentor
Nania, AnthonyDance, Magic, Dance
Nelson, DanWhite Eldrazi
Nir, JDEsper Bomberman
Normand, Jean-FrancoisGrixis DPS
Nunez, DavidMinus Five
O'Reilly, BrianMinus Five
Pankiewicz, ChrisGB Omni Oath
Parsinitz, RalphBurning OmniOath
Patalano, ChrisGrixis Tezzeret
Pellegrino, MikeUR Thing
Picozzo, VitoJeskai Mentor
Potucek, JoshSeven Leyline Dredge
Pratt, TaylorJeskai JVP Mentor
Prendergast, HunterDungeons and Dragons
Probasco, AndyWhite Eldrazi
Rambo, ZachBUG Oath Still
Reichert, SamanthaJeskai Thing
Reitnauer, DaveBUG Oath Still
Riggs, NathanielGrixis DPS
Ritter, BrianBlue Moon w/Beserker
Rivera, SergioJeskai Landstill
Robillard, RayGoblin Metalworker
Roncoroni, SethGrixis Thieves
Rottenberg, BrianOmniOath
Rozecki, JonathanUB Depth Still
Scheffenacker, MichaelWhite Eldrazi
Schlossberg, BrianRavager TKS
Scott, AmandaWhite Hatebears
Seals, KeithGrim Dredge
Seccareccia, MarkOath Combo
Seco, DanielMerfolk
Seveno, BenRavager TKS
Sharkey, JimPainter Slaver Hybrid
Shay, RichSylvan Mentor
Sorrentino, JasonSylvan Mentor
Sorrentino, MikeWhite Tribal Eldrazi
Stroke, Shawn3c Merfolk
Suarez, JonathanJeskai JVP Mentor
Szczeblewski, MatthewMentor
Tartamella, ChrisBUG Fish
Tejada, RafaelUB TPS with SB TiTi
Tian, YuanMono-Blue Belcher
Timmons, PatrickDoomsday
Tocco, MarkSylvan Mentor
Trevisan, ThiagoJeskai Mentor
Turk, AdamGrixis Painter
Turner, BarrettWhite Eldrazi
Van Der Ploeg, KrisDPS
Varasallona, AndrewForgemaster
Wagnon, BenjaminGrixis Pyromancer
Walker, AndrewDPS
Zavoluk, AlexDPS
Zhong, HankEsper JVP Mentor