So Many Insane Plays Podcast Episode 73: Eternal Weekend in Review

Kevin Cron and Steve Menendian break down the results of North America Vintage Champs 2017, and interview 2017 champ Andy Markiton (aka Montolio).

0:01:00: The Announcement
0:03:00: VSL Update: UW Pumpkin Spice and Ad Nauseum Tendrils
0:28:20: Eternal Weekend Tournament Reports: Grixis Daretti & Jeskai Mentor
0:53:00: Interview: Andy Markiton
1:30:00: Metagame Breakdown and Top 8
2:08:00: The Workshop Era
Total Runtime: 2:56:21

Show Notes

Eternal Central’s NA Vintage Champs 2017 Coverage (ALL Decklists and Metagame Report)
Eternal Weekend 2017
LSV’s video on Workshop
Brian DeMars on Workshop
Sean O’Brien on Workshop

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