You all know the passion we feel about Terese Nielsen and her work, specially the alterations. We’ve been promoting her art and auctions for many years already and will keep doing it as long as this website is up and running.
Terese Nielsen is a woman with clear thinking and a very good sense of business. That’s why, after presenting her some data gathered by our Google Analytics and eBay Affiliate Program, she saw the possibility of working together. Many of you that come visit us are huge fans of her art as well, and you come because it’s probably the only place where you can keep the track of this kind of stuff.
In the following link you’ll find all the information regarding our publicity agreement as well as the benefits from this offer, terms and conditions. You can also see some examples of her latest alterations and earlier work. Hope you guys enjoy this amazing deal!
Terese Nielsen Alterations
We’ve placed a banner at top of the sidebar as well as a tab on the top menu so you can always get access to this promotion.
I’d like to finish this post with a video from Michael Jackson that describes very well the feeling of this moment.